Benefits of Music Lessons
There are many benefits to learning an instrument and having music be a part of your life. Many studies have shown that continuing to learn throughout your life helps keep the brain healthy and staves of illnesses. In fact some studies claim that learning an instrument help your brain more than any activity. In music, there is always more to learn yet it gives the almost immediate gratification of being able to play a song.
We know how powerful the benefits of music lessons can be and work to help students make a realistic plan that they can fit into their life no matter how busy it is.
Some of the benefits of lessons include:
• Having a Healthy Emotional Outlet
• Tackling Personal Obstacles
• Enjoyment
• Linking Work and Reward
• Learning Self-Expression
• Learning Self-Discipline
• Improving Focus
• Developing Fine Motor Coordination
• Learning To Be In The Moment
Method and Style
At Park Slope Music School we believe you can build solid skills in music while playing music you love. We have a deep appreciation for all styles of music. We love taking requests from students for music because we know if students are inspired, they will be more motivated to practice on their own. We always work to adjust or create an arrangement that sounds great and is at the perfect level for the student. If students don’t know what kind of music they are interested in, we help them explore so they can find what really ignites their passion for music.
Our teachers integrate theory into the music students are already playing to make it relevant and easy to understand how music works. This makes reading easier and gives students the freedom to improvise or write their own music. We use technology and other fun tools such as music staff feltboards, rhythm frogs and animals that sing pitches of the scale to help teach and quiz on everything from note names, to rhythms to ear training. Changing the activity while still working with the same material is a great way to master information while keeping it engaging.
Each lesson is tailored to the individual so that each student can address their individual challenges, work towards their musical goals and move at the pace that is ideal for them.

Music lessons in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Music lessons in Brooklyn are a deeply enriching piece of anyone’s life, no matter what their age or other interests. Whether you’re seeking out lessons for yourself or for someone else, you’ll enjoy and greatly benefit from a Park Slope Music School learning experience. We can’t wait to help you get started!